Saturday, January 15, 2011

Goal Setting With Hypnosis

One highly powerful benefit of using hypnosis is the power to train your mind to stay centered on the successful accomplishment of your goal. You will be able to program a specific effect and retain the ability to consciously divert your attention to it in a favorable, success-affirming manner. You can as well eradicate self-sabotage and remove the negative feelings and ideas that are blocking your path to success.

Here are a few ideas for using hypnosis as a goal accomplishment tool.

1. Envision. Program yourself with your desired result. While under the influence of self hypnosis visually imagine that your goal is already achieved and your objective has been accomplished. See it as true. See it through your own eyes and feel all the marvellous feelings associated with that goal accomplishment.

2. Doggedness. Get down into your subconscious mind and alter your inner character traits to match those people who never quit. Program your subconscious mind to be relentless regardless of what is going on in any given state of affairs. Post hypnotic suggestions to formulate an iron will and relentless approach to your goals will be priceless in times of stress and disenchantment.

3. Believe Positively. Discover how to think positively. The subconscious mind has a disposition to replay past memories and cast them back into consciousness in the form of questions and fears. Through the practice of self hypnosis you are able to completely eliminate them. Program your subconscious mind to believe positively and anticipate positive results.

4. Program out the Trouble. Inevitably some trouble will arise when you go after worthwhile goals. Through hypnosis you are able to solve these troubles reasonably quickly. While in trance see yourself successfully passing over the obstacle. You don't have to see how you did it, just visualize yourself at the other side, alleviated, happy and proud that you "figured it out" and reached the other side. If this, in itself, is a problem for you, or you find it difficult to do then look for the advice of a qualified hypnotherapist. A competent hypnotherapist will determine the root of your trouble probably in the fits consultation!

5. Pre-pave your route. Conceive of yourself meeting the correct people and being in the correct place at the correct time. Program your mind like this, by the power of hypnosis, and your subconscious mind will pick up on non-verbal hints, process the 1000000s of bits of information you receive every minute and guide you to the right course of action.

6. Develop Trust. utilise hypnosis to convince the subconscious mind that your destination is already a reality. "Fake it till you make it". Fool your subconscious mind into thinking the "real" world is really exactly like the world you have been envisioning. In the profoundly relaxed state that hypnosis offers you are able to get fully involved in your mental image. Truly feel how great it is to have already achieved all those things you wanted for so long. Enjoy the fact that you're enjoying the benefits of having accomplished that goal.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cheers for that jack.

    I think what you said about learning to trust your own mind, and getting into the relaxed state of understanding that you know exactly what to do is important

    Vince Lynch

  3. I’m a trained shrink and iphone hypnosis app hypnotherapist myself and I think these folks have done a solid job. I especially appreciated the ability to control the gain on the voice and the music separately. The background music seemed to set just the right mood and the hypnotic induction and instructions were very professional. My only advice would be that as time goes by, they add additional hypnotic scripts for a variety of life issues.
